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FT calls for ‘courageous leadership’ to achieve fairer capitalism post-Covid

The Financial Times is urging its readers to lay the foundations for a fairer form of capitalism post-crisis, as it looks to build on its New Agenda positioning with a focus on responsible leadership.

The Financial Times has issued a rallying cry for “courageous leadership” as part of a new campaign urging readers to push for a “sustainable and responsible” recovery from Covid-19.

Launching today (14 September), the ‘Lead without Example’ campaign is calling on leaders in business and politics to step up and create the conditions for a fairer form of capitalism, seizing on the end of lockdown as a reset moment.

This is the latest iteration of the FT’s ‘New Agenda’ brand positioning launched at the start of the year. Since then we have of course experienced the global Covid-19 pandemic, calls for social justice raised by the Black Lives Matter movement and now face the prospect of a no-deal Brexit. It's fair to say that, in many ways, the message of responsible capitalism is more relevant than ever.

Chief communications and marketing officer, Finola McDonnell, explains that when the FT launched the New Agenda the focus was on responsible business and helping readers understand the megatrends that would not have landed on their desks even five years prior.

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